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Web Marketing Ezine

December 18th., 2002                Issue #216                ISSN 1444-2027



1. Sponsor's Message
2. First Word
3. Tips, Tools, News and Views


- The Best Offer Of The Year

- Online Retailing Gains Ground

- Cluetrain Manifesto Thesis #25

- Spamming Loser Of the Year

- How Often Does A Customer Visit A Website Before Purchasing?

- Free Training Course of the Week: Web Design: XML

- E-Commerce Term of the Week: XML

4. A Touch of Humor:
The Marketer And The Programmer  

5. Classified Ads
6. Free Training Courses
7. Feature Articles: 


- Why Santa's Marketing Works Better Than Yours!

- How To Write Invisible Sales Copy

- Want Free Publicity? Push The Media's Hot Buttons!


8. Our Companion Ezine 
9. Administrivia

Visit our companion website at http://www.WebMarketingEzine.com

Want to read this online? For your convenience, the Current Issue 
of WME is posted each week at the WME website. Just visit 
http://www.WebMarketingEzine.com and click on Current Issue.

1. Top Sponsor's Message



The Newbie Club PC & Internet Companion. Probably The Most Staggering Collection Of PC & Internet Tips & Tutorials You'll Ever Find - In The Easy Laid-Back Language That's Made The Newbie Club� Famous Around The World. Check it out...





2. First Word



Hi All! 


I've brought this issue of WME forward a week, so that I'm not sending it to you on Christmas Day. 


I'm not religious, but I'd like to share with you a beautiful Christmas story. The 'Christmas spirit' is an attitude towards our fellow man, that transcends any religion or creed.  This story is about that spirit, and it moves me every time I read it. I hope you enjoy it. You can read it at http://www.WebMarketingEzine.com/christmas1.shtml


Thought For the Week:


"Always dream and reach higher than you know you can reach. Don�t bother just to be better than your contemporaries and predecessors; Try to be better than yourself"

Till next time,




3. Tips, Tools, News and Views



The Best Offer Of The Year


I'm starting up a new business shortly, and I've already made the to use SiteSell's wonderful Site Build It! (SBI) as my hosting/marketing/promotion option. Why?


Because of the unmatched range of features..


- domain name registration (in your name)

- a year's hosting

- highly sophisticated brainstorming tools

- powerful graphic tools

- point-and-click site building

- search engine optimization functions

- automatic search engine submission... and re-submission

- pay-per-click search engine research

- traffic stats and click analysis

- ezine feature with subscription and delivery

- unmatched support and information back-up

- (coming shortly) e-commerce function inc. payment & fulfilment

- (coming soon) 2-tier affiliate program


Quite simply, there's nothing as good on the market, and the price p.a. is about the same as I'm paying for hosting alone


So, it was already one of the best offers of the year anyway. What's changed?


What's changed, is that SiteSell's Ken Evoy has made this offer...


"Buy 1- Get 1 Free"


I won't try to sell you- you can do that for yourself. BUT, if you're going to set up website shortly, I urge you to CHECK OUT the features of SBI! today! 


The Buy-1-Get-1 Free Holiday Promotion ends midnight Dec. 24, at the stroke of Christmas! I don't know about you, but I'm taking up the offer.


(Disclosure: I am a SiteSell Affiliate. And proud of it!)


Online Retailing Gains Ground


A Gallup Poll conducted early in December 2002 tells us some interesting things about trends in both offline and online retailing.


The headline news for WME readers, is that 15% of adult Americans planned to make a purchase online during the holiday season. This figure has risen from 4% in 1999. For the first time, the number of people purchasing online will exceed the number shopping by mail-order catalog. That's a milestone.


The figure of 15% intending to make a purchase online can be compared with those intending to buy from traditional retailers, and it's positive news for online retailers...


Will buy from... 1999 2000 2001 2002
  Department Store 60% 58% n/a 52%
  Discount Store 45% 42% n/a 41%
  Specialty Store 37% 36% n/a 35%
  Mail Order Catalog 14% 17% 12% 13%
  Online  4% 8% 9% 15%



The big demographic, according to the poll, is the 30-49 age group, where 22% of respondents intended online purchasing. Worst was the 9% figure for the over 50's.


It would be interesting to see how many people will make a purchase as a result of email marketing, and whether they make their purchase online or offline. We'll watch out for that.


Cluetrain Manifesto Thesis #25

"Companies need to come down from their Ivory Towers and talk to the people with whom they hope to create relationships." 

Read the whole Cluetrain Manifesto at http://www.webmarketingezine.com/cluetrain.htm

WME Supported By...


I'm Crazy About MY Income System !
It makes me more money part-time than my
full-time job does. Click below to find out how.



Spamming's Loser Of The Year


There are many thoughts I have when receiving spam. 


"Just how stupid does this person

think I am?"


" How do they KNOW I need anatomical enhancement?"


"Why do all these former dictator's families contact ME?"


One question, that comes to mind often is, "Just how stupid is this person?"


Surely the award for the most stupid spammer goes to the idiot who emailed Google...


"Dear google.com,

I visited your website and noticed that you are not listed in most of the major search engines and directories...



How Often Does A Customer Visit A Website Before Purchasing?


Just how many contacts does it take before a customer has enough knowledge and confidence to make a purchase?


In Direct Marketing, the often-quoted figure is that it can take up to 7 mailings before a customer buys. Now we have some interesting numbers for online purchasing.


BizRate is a high-traffic comparison shopping site. In December 2002, they surveyed over 4,000 US online buyers. They asked how many visits it took before a customer purchased from an online retailer. here are the figures...


1 visit ... 14%

2 visits... 47%

3 visits... 26%

4 visits...   6%

5 visits...   4%

6 visits...   1%


As you would expect from the above figures, the average was 2.5 visits before they made a purchase. The take-away moral is, make sure you have a site worth coming back to, or that you've collected their email address so that you can contact them and give them a reason to go back to your site. Preferably both! If you only get one shot at them, 86% of your potential business is clicking away.


WME Supported By...


Search Engine Fast Start: "Search engines send thousands of customers to your competitors every day - isn't it time you fought back?"

Finally - a fast, simple, and effective system that targets your best customers and brings them to you for free. Get Search Engine Fast Start



Free Training Course of the Week: Web Design: XML

In this excellent XML tutorial you will learn what XML is, and the difference between XML and HTML. You will also learn how to start using XML in your applications.

To take this, and many other free training courses, visit



E-Commerce Term of the Week: XML eXtensible Markup Language

A programming language/specification developed by the W3C. XML is a pared-down version of SGML, designed especially for Web documents. It enables Web authors and Web developers to create their own customized tags to provide functionality not available with HTML. For example, XML supports links that point to multiple documents (as opposed to HTML links, which can reference just one destination each).


XML provides a powerful set of tools for developing a new generation of Web applications, including tools like database exchange, distribution of processing to clients, multiple views of data, intelligent agents, management of document collections, and so on. Whether XML eventually supplants HTML as the standard Web formatting specification depends a lot on whether it is supported by future Web browsers. Also, XML is a lot more abstract and complex than HTML, and unlike HTML, it isn't immediately gratifying in terms of creating Web pages. 


So now there is XHTML, a bridge between HTML and XML that is useful and will help Web builders conquer any fears of XML. VoiceXML is an extension that defines how voice-interaction systems (such as voice recognition) interact with the Internet. For example, VoiceXML makes it possible for users to interact with Web servers simply by talking on the phone (see: voice portal). 

-Source: NetLingo- The Internet Dictionary http://www.netlingo.com
The NetLingo Dictionary book is 528-pages of over 2500 terms. Learn more...

WME Supported By...




4. A Touch of Humor


The Marketer And The Programmer

A Marketer and an Programmer are sitting next to each other on a long flight from LA to NY. The Programmer leans over to the Marketer and asks if he would like to play a fun game.... Read the rest onsite...

Enjoy over 30 more marketing jokes on our new Marketing Jokes pages at http://www.WebMarketingEzine.com/marketing-jokes/marketing-jokes.shtml

5. Classified Ads

Ezine Advertising WORKS! Showcase your ad. in "The Human Face of
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6. Free Training Courses

Increase your knowledge; hone your skills; improve your results! Take advantage of some of the finest FREE training courses on the Web by visiting our Free Training Course listing at;

You'll find courses on IT, Computing, Software, Business and Personal Development.
With over 35 courses to choose from, you're sure to find something!



7. Feature Articles



Why Santa's Marketing Works Better Than Yours!

by Sean D'Souza


Santa Claus Inc. is well and profitable, right through recessions, depressions and just about any economic scenario. The reason why his marketing works better than yours, is because he uses solid, dyed-in-the-wool psychology. He knows he doesn't have to use new fangled techniques, when his simple marketing has stood the test of time... Read what Santa does, that you don't...

How To Write Invisible Sales Copy

by Joe Robson


Just fill a Web page with the type of words and phrases that the reader has already seen a thousand times over on his surfing travels, and bingo - the message disappears! Good advice from bad examples...


Want Free Publicity? Push The Media's Hot Buttons!
by George McKenzie

No doubt you�ve heard the classic analogy that explains the nature of news. 

 "When dog bites man, it�s not news. 
  When man bites dog, it�s news."

It�s a massive oversimplification, but it�s essentially correct. Anything that�s out of the ordinary, or the opposite of what you expect, is inherently interesting. Learn how to push those media 'Hot Buttons'... 


8. Our Companion Ezine: A Better Life:ItsYourFuture!

Enjoy Humor, Inspiration, Romance, Fitness, Nutrition & Personal
Finance- all aimed at helping YOU to take control of YOUR future!
Subscribe FREE by sending a blank email to:
[email protected]

                            BE HAPPY BE HEALTHY LIVE LONG & PROSPER

9. Administrivia


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This publication is for informational purposes only.

� Copyright 2000-2002 John Payne All rights reserved. Web Marketing Ezine may only be redistributed in its unedited form. You are welcome to forward it to as many people as you like, with our thanks. Written permission must be obtained to reprint or quote original material published in Web Marketing Ezine.

               Web Marketing Ezine is published by John Payne 



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