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Search Engine Marketing & Optimization Tools: Keyword
22nd., 2003 Issue
ISSN 1444-2027
1. Sponsor's Message - A
Great Spam,-Fighting Tool: SpamNet - Free
Software: The
Freeware Book Project - Cluetrain
Manifesto Theses #28, #29 - Harris Poll: Ban Spamming - Searching
With Pictures: Google Viewer -
Free Training
Course of the Week: Auctions -
Term of the Week: Below The Fold
Classified Ads -
And Who Might You Be?
To Up Sales, Up Words
8. Our Companion Ezine Are
you ready for eBay Success? So many people are trying to build a web-site and then trying desperately to get traffic on their web-site. Why not simply go to where the traffic is? Go to eBay! You don't even need a web-site! (If you have a web-site get ready for a serious TRAFFIC BOOST). What's the secret? 2.
First Word Hi
spend a lot of hours surfing the Net, and I find a lot of fascinating, beautiful
and inspiring things. Instead of talking about marketing right now, I'd like to
share a breathtaking photograph with you- a
panoramic view from the top of Mt. Everest. Enjoy. They
say "the view is clear from the top", and the photograph you have just
viewed illustrates that- the mountains o the horizon are over 100km away.
Unfortunately, life doesn't always place you at the top; sometimes you get
knocked down. Here's a thought that has helped me many times over the years... Thought
For the Week: "When
you're flat on your back, everything is looking up" - John
Till next time,
Great Spam,-Fighting Tool: SpamNet We're
all sick and tired of spam clogging our Intray, and wasting our time. The
results of a Harris Poll revealed below show just how sick of it we are. Here's
one great answer. Cloudmark's SpamNet is an Outlook add-in, which saves you time
and frustration by stopping spam automatically. The service is free and easy to
use. Here's how it works... " Although spam seems to be invading everyone's email, only a relatively small number of spammers send out the billions of spam messages polluting the Internet. By reporting the spam you receive, you will contribute to the growing community of spam fighters dedicated to eradicating spam. Just like Napster allowed us to share a central list of our favorite music, Cloudmark Spamnet allows us to share a central list of spam. Individually this reported spam isn't very powerful, but the collective reports of millions of email users networked together blocks virtually all spam on the Internet." It looks a great idea to me. As I write this, their website shows 269,025 users in the system, and a total of 14,390,036 emails processed. 3,301,451 were found, saving members an estimated 9,171 hours. That's just today. I can't wait for them to produce a version for Eudora, the email client I use. By then it will probably cost. If you use Outlook 2000 or XP, it's still a free version, so I suggest you find out more for yourself at
Free Software: The Freeware Book Project
What is the FREEWARE BOOK?
While Web Marketing Ezine is unashamedly about real businesses using the Internet, email etc, for commercial gain, we have the greatest admiration for those who spend their own time creating the tools, utilities and other programs they make available to others for free. That's why we proudly support The Freeware Book.
Cluetrain Manifesto Theses #28, #29 "Most marketing programs are based on the fear that the market might see what's really going on inside the company." "Elvis said it best: "We can't go on together with suspicious minds."" Read the whole Cluetrain Manifesto at http://www.webmarketingezine.com/cluetrain.htm WME Supported By...
Professional Web Design Secrets the Pros Don't Want You to Know...
Nothing is left to the imagination...Web Design Mastery takes you step by step through the entire process. Don't miss out on the special, introductory price, or the bonuses, click here!
Harris Poll: Ban Spamming The results of a Harris Poll� conducted online, using a national sample of 2,221 online adults, has highlighted the frustration of users with spam. A summary of the results reads; "The public is up in arms about spamming and does not want to take it anymore. Among those who are online, fully 80% say that they find spamming very annoying, a huge increase from the 49% who felt this way two and a half years ago. As a result of this hostility, an overwhelming 74% to 12% majority of those online favors making mass spamming illegal. This support for banning mass spamming is found among every demographic group. Between 70% and 80% of all age groups, all income groups, both sexes, blacks, whites and Hispanics, Republicans and Democrats all favor such a ban." Results of surveys and polls continue to show that; 1. People like to get good, useful information from they know and trust, and 2. They hate getting bombarded with unsolicited, bulk emails they don't want, from people they don't know. There's a huge future and market for email marketing. Just make sure the people who receive your emails are clear that you are from the first group, not the second! Searching With Pictures: Google Viewer "The Google Viewer displays the pages found as a result of your Google search as a continuous scrolling slide show. You can view your search results without using your keyboard or mouse and you can adjust the speed with which the images move across your screen. Each image of a page's contents is accompanied by a short "snippet" describing that page."
Try Google Viewer for yourself, at http://labs.google.com/gviewer.html
WME Supported By...
Finally - a fast, simple, and effective system that targets your best customers and brings them to you for free. Get Search Engine Fast Start
The BIGGEST sector of e-commerce is Auctions, with companies like eBay doing a huge turnover. Many enterprising businesspeople are using the Auction vehicle to build their own small, and not-so-small businesses.
To take this free auction course, and many other free training courses, visit our Free Training Courses section
E-Commerce Term of the Week: Below the fold
The content you see once you scroll to the middle or bottom of a Web page. The content at the top of a Web page is located above the fold, which is more desirable real estate than below the fold. -Source:
NetLingo- The Internet Dictionary http://www.netlingo.com WME Supported By...
A Marketing Dictionary Advanced
design: The advertising agency doesn't understand it.
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a high-earning Affiliate-take The Affiliate Masters course
by Charles Burke
If it's true that the thoughts we hold consistently in our minds will gradually change our reality, then we MUST admit that our thoughts about our selves (our self image) will also change the reality of who we are.
To Up Sales, Up Wordsby Michel Fortin
The challenge for many webmasters and Internet marketers is certainly that of ensuring a site communicates effectively to its audience -- especially when communication is at the heart of making profitable online sales. Learn how to paint pictures with words
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