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Search Engine Marketing & Optimization Tools: Keyword
11th., 2002 Issue
ISSN 1444-2027
1. Sponsor's Message -
New Paypal Scam - Your
Own Professional Affiliate Showcase - Unstoppable
- Free
e-Book: 43 Specific Ways to Make This Year Your Best, - A
Great Example Of Email/Internet Marketing - Free
Course of the Week:
Negotiation- Closing The Deal - E-Commerce
Term of the Week: Anonymous FTP
Classified Ads 2.
First Word Hi
All! What
a busy week... a new PayPal scam, an excellent new affiliate program promotion
tool, spam on steroids, and a wonderful example of email/internet marketing. I
hope you enjoy it all. Thought
For the Week: "Defeat is not the worst of failures. Not to have tried
is the true failure." New
Paypal Scam If
you use PayPal as a payment method for your customers, as I do, be on your guard
for a new scam. An
email message is circulating, purporting to be from PayPal. It states that
PayPal has had a problem that has caused them to lose the details of some
members. Readers of the email are asked to go to a website that appears to be a
PayPal site, and enter their details, including their credit card information.
You can probably write the script as to what is likely to happen with your
information after the scammers get hold of it. Please,
be ultra-cautious about any correspondence that asks you to re-enter details in
this way. Contact the relevant company to check whether the request is
legitimate. Your
Own Professional Affiliate Showcase Earlier
this week I sent a solo mailing to all WME Readers, announcing the pre-release
of a new program, Affiliate Showcase. I agreed in May to be part of the program,
and was delighted to get the full pre-release details just a few days ago. So,
what IS Affiliate Showcase? (I've
just deleted 3 paragraphs of explaining that in my own words.. I've decided to
let the creators and the system itself talk directly to you, instead!) You
can look at my site, at http://www.affiliateshowcase.com/?7442
. To
read more about how Affiliate Showcase can go to work for you, visit http://www.affiliateshowcase.com/getasite.asp?id=7442 If
you are in, or want to be in the business of profiting from affiliate programs,
you'd be wise to check this out. (Disclosure:
I am an Affiliate Showcase affiliate.) Unstoppable
Spam? Yesterday,
I came across something that scared me. I think I've had a glimpse of the
future, and I don't like it. What the heck am I talking about? I
came across a website called http://www.directadvertiser.com/
They have a product which is designed to overcome problems some 'marketers' have
with using 'bulk email' (read spam). Here's part of their blurb... "The newest technology in online marketing! I'm
no techie, so I'll have to wait for further advice on how this works, and what
percentage of computers it can reach. I don't relish the prospect of spammers
being able to come direct to my computer screen, uninvited. If
any WME subscriber can shed some more light on the way this product works, and
what we can do to counter it, I'll run the information in a future issue. Cluetrain
Manifesto Thesis #17 "Companies
that assume online markets are the same markets that used to watch their ads on
television are kidding themselves." Read
the whole Cluetrain
Manifesto at http://www.webmarketingezine.com/cluetrain.htm WME
Supported By... Professional
Web Design Secrets the Pros Don't Want You to Know... Nothing
is left to the imagination...Web
Design Mastery takes you step by step through the entire process.
Don't miss out on the special, introductory price, or the bonuses, click
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e-Book: 43 Specific Ways to Make This Year Your Best, Most Profitable Year Ever Imagine having 43 of the most successful business leaders, innovators, and experts share with you their best advice on how to make this year your most profitable, successful year ever. Each expert
was asked to take the perspective of advising someone they really care about and share the one most important thing they would recommend to do now that will have the most impact on our readers' level of success. A
Great Example Of Email/Internet Marketing I'm
always on the lookout for good examples of offline products being marketed with
online methods. The other day, I found one that impressed. I
received an email. For starters, it looked different. A gray background, with
stylish white type. Good copy, with some photographs included. It was inviting
me to learn about a bayside home for sale on the beautiful Northern Beaches area
of Sydney, Australia. It
made sense to send it to me, because I live in Australia. (It didn't make sense
to send it to me, because I'm about US$1M short of the asking price of US$1M!)
The geographical targeting was good, even if the economic demographic was a bit
off! The
excellent email invited me to visit a website specially set up to market the
home, which you can visit at http://www.idstudio.com.au/house/html/home.html
While style is a very personal thing, I'm sure you'll agree that the website is
very well done. And think how it works as a marketing vehicle. It shows you
enough that you can fall in love with the home, and the location. It shows you
enough to decide that you don't like it. You're told the price, so you know
whether you can afford to enquire further, and whether it represents value to
you. All in all, it allows you to qualify, or disqualify yourself as a potential
buyer, before you spend any more of your time, or any of the owner's. A winning
strategy all round. If
you have seen any great examples of online methods being used creatively and
effectively to promote offline products, drop me a line and tell me about it. If
your example is featured in WME, we'll give you an honorable mention! WME
Supported By... Ninety-nine
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negotiation. To
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Term of the Week: Anonymous FTP
NetLingo- The Internet Dictionary http://www.netlingo.com
Supported By... The
Wit Wizard skewers the greed grubbing corporate scum Green
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Announce - The Free Writer & Publisher Connection Your
own infoproduct? Take the FREE InfoProduct Masters course! Serious
about writing that book? Look at this site! Become
a high-earning Affiliate-take The Affiliate Masters course
Recovering Your Lost 404 Traffic By Stephen Mahaney Did
you know that web browsers are hijacking your potentially lucrative 404
traffic? Well, they are ...and here's what you should be doing about it!
Read the full article online
at Planet
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