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Search Engine Marketing & Optimization Tools: Keyword
16th., 2002 Issue
ISSN 1444-2027
1. Sponsor's Message - Play
The Building Brands Game -
CSS Made Easy - What
Time Is It In ...?
- How
Popular Are Your Keywords? - Selling
Online Products Offline - Free
Training Course: Cascading
Style Sheets (CSS) - E-Commerce
Definition: Cascading
Style Sheets (CSS)
Classified Ads -
Top Ten Tips on Sales Letter Copywriting
by Larry Chase -
The Power of Questions by Paul Myer -
What The Search Engines See... by Robin
Fully Automated Online Marketing And Email Follow-Up! 2.
First Word Hi
All! This
issue, we continue our new fortnightly publishing schedule. Rather than give you
only half as much material, we're providing even more, by making it available on
the WME website. -
This week we have links to THREE great feature articles by Larry Chase, Paul
Myers and Robin Nobles. -
We link to a new Humor page at http://www.WebMarketingEzine.com/humor.shtml -
We link to a Quotations page at http://www.webmarketingezine.com/quotations.shtml Thought
For the Week: "People
don't want to be "marketed TO"; they want to be "communicated
WITH."" -
Flint McGlaughlin Till next week, have a good one! John 3. Tips, Tools, News and
Views Play
The Building Brands Game "You've
got two weeks to plan the future of your brand. Make the right decision, and
you'll win a pile of cash. Get too many questions wrong, and uh..oh!" That's
the beginning of a fascinating Q and A session called the BuildingBrands Game,
that teaches you a lot about the value of brands, and how to go about creating a
good one. To
play the Game, and test your Branding IQ, visit the Building
Brands website, at http://www.buildingbrands.com
Look for the "Test your brand management skills:" link. CSS
Made Easy Not
sure what CSS is? Then you should have a look at this week's E-Commerce
Definition: Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), below,
for a definition. Then, you can take this week's Free
Training Course: Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)! Once
you learn a bit about CSS, you'll see the advantages it provides. Then, how to
use CSS in the easiest way possible? Why not check out the free 'CSS Code
Assembler'? "The
assembler is a tool to help build and create cascading style sheets. The
assembler was not intended to be used to learn CSS but after creating a few
styles you will find yourself understanding and learning how CSS works."
Just fill in a form where prompted, and 'CSS
Code Assembler' puts together the code for you. You
can use 'CSS Code Assembler' online, or
download your own copy, at http://bis.midco.net/jwacintro/ns/cssassembler.html What
Time Is It In ...? As
we communicate more and more electronically, knowing the time zone the other
party is working it has become more and more important. The World Clock is a
wonderful resource, which has a whole bag of useful features. Of course, it will
tell you what the time is, at any place you nominate from their huge list of
places. Amongst a number of countdown and calendar features, is the Meeting
Planner. Want to 'meet' electronically with some other people in different time
zones. Just fill in their locations, and Meeting Planner will graphically show
the times in each location, making it easy to pick a time that will suit
everyone. Visit
The World Clock at http://www.timeanddate.com
"Companies need to realize their markets are often laughing. At them."
Read the whole Cluetrain Manifesto at http://www.webmarketingezine.com/cluetrain.ht
WME Supported By... Professional Web Design Secrets the Pros Don't Want You to Know...
Nothing is left to the imagination...Web Design Mastery takes you step by step through the entire process. Don't miss out on the special, introductory price, or the bonuses, click here!
How Popular Are Your Keywords? It's fine to rank highly in the search engines. For the term 'free sales training', our page at http://www.webmarketingezine.com/freesalestraining.shtml , ranks #4 at Google. Question is, how many people actually search for the term. If you want to make real money, or get large numbers of visitors, you need a large number of people to be searching for the term! To check how many were searching for 'free sales training', I checked it out at Overture's Keyword Suggestion Tool. The answer? 346! Guess I won't be retiring on the affiliate sales from THAT page. Try out the Keyword Suggestion Tool for yourself, at http://inventory.overture.com/d/searchinventory/suggestion Selling Online Products Offline There are plenty of online products sold online. There are plenty of offline products sold online. I'd like to conduct a bit of research into selling online products offline. What have I got in mind? Take a product like Ken Evoy's classic ebook/ecourse 'Make Your Site Sell 2002'. It's 1540 pages of one of the best electronic infoproducts available. It's promoted by thousands of people online, yet the potential customers who need it most don't spend much time online! Why don't we try to reach them by OFFLINE means? I've got a few ideas, but before I drop them on an unsuspecting world, I'd like to hear from YOU!
Have you seen any good examples of selling an online product, offline?
Have you got any good ideas you'd like to share?
If you're not a Member of the affiliate program that sells MYSS 2002! (The 5 Pillars Affiliate Program), now may be a great time to join. You can do that, for free, at http://affiliates.sitesell.com/itsyourfuture.html Have a good look at the Table of Contents for the 4 books that make up the course, then send me your ideas for marketing this great product offline! I'm planning to share good ideas with my own MYSS! team, and we may broaden that considerably. Over to you. Let me have your thoughts, at [email protected].
WME Supported By...
Ninety-nine out of a hundred sites still don't get the order. Here's how to join the profitable 1% Get your Free Trial Download today!
Free Training Course of the Week: Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
You can certainly save a lot of work on your website by using CSS! In this W3Schools CSS tutorial, you will learn how to use CSS to control the style and layout of multiple Web pages all at once.
take this, and many other free training courses, visit
E-Commerce Term of the Week: Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
A feature of HTML that gives both Web site developers and users more control over how Web pages are displayed. With CSS, designers and users can create style sheets that define how different elements, such as headers and links, appear. These style sheets can then be applied to any page on a particular Web site. So in theory all the pages can be formatted the same way making it much easier. The term cascading derives from the fact that multiple style sheets can be applied to the same Web page. CSS was developed by the W3C. The specification is still evolving and is not fully supported by any current Web browsers.
A feature of HTML that gives both Web site developers and users more control over how Web pages are displayed. With CSS, designers and users can create style sheets that define how different elements, such as headers and links, appear. These style sheets can then be applied to any page on a particular Web site. So in theory all the pages can be formatted the same way making it much easier. The term cascading derives from the fact that multiple style sheets can be applied to the same Web page. CSS was developed by the W3C. The specification is still evolving and is not fully supported by any current Web browsers.
NetLingo- The Internet Dictionary http://www.netlingo.com
WME Supported By...
you're a webmaster, you'll LOVE Background Magic! With
4. A Touch of Humor
58 Headlines They Didn't Mean
2. Police Begin Campaign to Run Down Jaywalkers 3. Safety Experts Say School Bus Passengers Should Be Belted 4. Drunk Gets Nine Months in Violin Case 5. Survivor of Siamese Twins Joins Parents 6. Farmer Bill Dies in House 7. Iraqi Head Seeks Arms 8. Is There a Ring of Debris around Uranus? 9. Stud Tires Out 10. Prostitutes Appeal to Pope
Read all 58 Headlines at http://www.WebMarketingEzine.com/marketing-humor2.shtml
5. Classified Ads How
Much Is One Good Sales Letter Worth To Your Business? Make
Your Site Sell- The Most Important Free Download You'll Make FREE
five lesson class shows you how to improve the your results WOMEN! THIS LIST IS FOR YOU! THE BALANCED WOMAN! Send a blank email to; [email protected] Read
about your business's future at: Improve
Your Search Positions-Get your FREE WebPosition Software Earn
Advertising Income From Your Website Or Mailing List! Article
Announce - The Free Writer & Publisher Connection Your
own infoproduct? Take the FREE InfoProduct Masters course! Serious
about writing that book? Look at this site! Become
a high-earning Affiliate-take The Affiliate Masters course
Top Ten Tips on Sales Letter Copywriting
As publisher of Web Digest For Marketers, Larry sees what works in ad copy and what doesn't. One thing that works very well are stand-alone email mailings using direct sales letter copy techniques. In his article are some observations and experiences, and effective practices he's noticed, along with time-honored practices that he's gleaned from DM Copy Masters, such as Mac Ross, Dan Kennedy, Robert Collier, Ted Nicholas, Eugene Schwartz, Jay Abraham and David Garfinkel:
Read Larry's full article at http://www.webmarketingezine.com/copywriting1.shtml
Power of Questions
"What business am I in?" Years ago, the railroad companies decided they were in the railroad business. (Kind of an obvious assumption, right?)
Had they decided they were in the business of providing transportation and freight delivery, absolutely nothing could have stopped them from controlling the truck, bus and airline industries as they grew.
That's a powerful distinction. So, what business are you in?
Paul's full, though-provoking article at
What The Search Engines See When They Visit Your Site by Robin Nobles
If you have a Web site, have you ever wondered what a search engine sees when it visits your site to add the site to its index? Do you know that it doesn�t see the beautiful graphics or the fancy Web design? Do you know that it only sees the source code, or the "skeleton" of your Web site?
Do you realize that knowing this little tidbit of information and doing something about it can make a huge difference in your search engine rankings and, ultimately, the success of your online business?
Read Robin's full article at http://www.webmarketingezine.com/searchengines/se24.shtml
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